W01 Eco-ES: Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems
Eco-ES, the workshop devoted to Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems, comes back to DATE 2025 for its third edition. This half-day event consists of a plenary keynote, invited talks and regular presentations.
Workshop description
The impact of electronics on the environment is an important issue, especially because of the number of systems growing exponentially. Eco-design and circular economy applied to electronic components and systems are thus becoming major challenges for our society to respond to the dangers for the environment: exponential increase in electronic waste generation, depletion of resources, contribution to climate change and poor resiliency to supply-chain issues. Electronics designers willing to engage in eco-design face several difficulties, related in particular to a limited knowledge of the environmental impact from the design phase and the uncertain extension of the service lifetime of the system or parts of the system, owing to the variability in user behaviour and business models.
The objective of the workshop Eco-ES is to gather experts from both academia and industry, covering a wide scope in the environmental sustainability of electronics. The workshop is proposed and organized by partners of the European project EECONE (eecone.com), aiming to create an ecosystem on sustainable electronics.
Topic areas
Workshop topics include:
- Specification and modelling of sustainable electronic components or systems
- Life Cycle Assessment tools and techniques
- Tools and techniques for eco-design
- Techniques for lifetime extension
- Reparability methods
- Reuse strategies
- Strategies for a second life of electronics
- Recycling of electronics
- Digital infrastructure refresh and reuse strategies
- Digital Product Passports for electronics
- Absolute sustainability for the electronics sector
- Inter-disciplinary works linking the technology aspects of eco-design and circular economy to social and economic sciences
Submission instructions
Submissions are invited in the form of extended abstracts of maximum two pages.
All submissions will be evaluated for selection with respect to their suitability for the workshop, originality, and technical soundness. Selected submissions will be accepted for oral presentation. The organizers will prepare on-line proceedings for the authors who wish to share their extended abstract.
The template for the extended abstracts is available at the top of this page (EcoES2025_template.zip).
Link for submissions: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ecoes2025
Extended abstract submission: 31 January 2025
Notification of acceptance: 14 February 2025
Final version of the extended abstract: 21 March 2025