Guidelines for Embedded Tutorial and Workshop Organisers

Congratulations, your embedded tutorial or workshop has been accepted to take place at DATE 2025. We want to support you in attracting attendees for your event. Therefore, we need further information from you to be included in the DATE 2025 programme, to be displayed at the DATE 2025 website and to be used for any DATE 2025 promotional activities.

Please fill in your key persons, description, call for contribution, important dates, and final programme of your

Select your event and add "/edit" to the URL of your event page in your browser's address bar (e.g. The URLs of embedded tutorials are prefixed with the label "et" and workshop with "w".

You have to login to the DATE 2025 website with your username (=email) and password. If you are a first-time user or do not know your password, you may reset it at with your registered email address. Kindly note that for the DATE 2025 website, the username is the email address that has been used for your communication with the DATE 2025 Embedded Tutorials and Workshop Chairs.

You must enter general information for your event and create sessions with a title, abstract and chair names. Within sessions you can create presentations with titles, abstracts, start time and author and/or speaker names. Please do not copy and paste your programme from MS Word in the body or description fields. We need the structured data as described before for it to be properly displayed and further processed. Otherwise, the programme at the DATE 2025 website is not correctly configured. This will result in minor visibility and advertising for your event.

IMPORTANT: The data of the persons involved in your programme have to be entered using the provided sub-forms.

Please do not forget to always press the "save" button at the end of each person, session, presentation, and event form. Otherwise, your entry is lost.

Always provide correct data, never use fake-data (e.g. your own mail address for other persons or nomailatemail [dot] com, etc.). Such entries will be deleted! You will be able to reuse data inserted by others, but only be able to edit data that you have created yourself.

  • Registration for the conference will start in late November, the first programme outline will be published and advertised in early December. Authors who get papers accepted in the main conference will need to register by mid-December to have their paper published in the proceedings. Hence, there will be at least 300 to 400 registrations from late November on. Thus, it is vital that you set-up the initial workshop webpage (with basic information and CfP) by Friday, 20 December 2024 AoE (strict deadline) to attract all these attendees. Please provide as much information as possible and keep your event page up-to-date continuously.
  • A summarised DATE Newsletter “Short Call for Submissions for Distribution via the DATE Mailinglist” for all workshops will be sent. Your information needs to be completed in the field “CALL ABSTRACT” by Friday, 20 December 2024 AoE so we can include proper information for your corresponding event!
  • A summarised DATE Newsletter “Call for Participation” for all embedded tutorials and workshops will be sent. Your information needs to be completed in the field “Short Call for Participation for Distribution via the DATE Mailinglist” by Monday, 03 February 2025 AoE so we can include proper information for your corresponding event!
  • The programme needs to be finished by Monday, 03 February 2025 AoE (strict deadline).
  • Hand-out material (e.g. consisting of all slides and perhaps also background reading material) needs to be uploaded as a single PDF or ZIP file at the DATE website by Friday, 14 March 2025 AoE. The hand-out material will be available to attendees only!

Please provide all the above-mentioned content at your events webpage at the DATE website.

If you encounter any problem or have any questions, please do not hesitate to webmasteratdate-conference [dot] com (subject: DATE%20event%20support%20request) (contact the DATE Webmaster).

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