DATE 2025 - Call for Papers

The DATE conference is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE puts a strong emphasis on both technology and systems, covering ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded systems as well as embedded software.

The three-day event consists of a conference with regular papers, late breaking results papers and extended abstracts, complemented by timely keynotes, special days, focus sessions, embedded tutorials, half-day workshops and multi-partner project sessions. The event will also host the Young People Programme and unplugged sessions fostering the networking and the exchange of information on relevant issues, recent research outcomes and career opportunities.

DATE 2025 is the 28th edition of an event that has always been the place for researchers, young professionals and industrial partners to meet, present their research and discuss the current development and next trends, with high emphasis on social interaction.

At DATE 2025, the DATE community, again, comes together for the conference in an intensive three-day format, focussing on interaction as well as further strengthening the community. The vast majority of regular papers will be presented in technical sessions using short flash-presentations, where the emphasis is on poster-supported live interactions (in addition to the common full-length presentation videos available before, during and after the conference). By this, we continue to focus on the core value of conferences: meeting, discussing and exchanging.

Table of Content

Submission Key Dates

Submission Instructions Deadline
D, A, T and E papers
abstracts Sunday, 15 September 2024 AoE
full papers Sunday, 22 September 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Tuesday, 19 November 2024 AoE
camera-ready papers Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE
Paper presentation videos Friday, 07 February 2025 AoE
Late Breaking Results papers
full papers Sunday, 01 December 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Friday, 10 January 2025 AoE Wednesday, 15 January 2025 AoE
camera-ready papers Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE
Paper presentation videos Friday, 07 February 2025 AoE
Special Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" (ASD)
abstracts Saturday, 09 November 2024 AoE
full papers Saturday, 16 November 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Tuesday, 17 December 2024 AoE
camera-ready papers Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE
Paper presentation videos Friday, 07 February 2025 AoE
Focus Session
proposals Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE
Embedded Tutorials
proposals Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE Thursday, 31 October 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Friday, 15 November 2024 AoE
proposals Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Friday, 15 November 2024 AoE
Multi-Partner Projects
abstracts Tuesday, 29 October 2024 AoE
full papers Tuesday, 05 November 2024 AoE
notification of acceptance Monday, 09 December 2024 AoE
camera-ready papers Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE
Paper presentation videos Friday, 07 February 2025 AoE
Young People Programme
PhD Forum Sunday, 01 December 2024 AoE Thursday, 05 December 2024 AoE
Careers Fair – Industry & Student Teams Fair,
Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE
Careers Fair – Academia & University Fair: Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE Monday, 24 March 2025 AoE

Kindly note that all deadline days apply to anywhere on earth (AoE). Deadlines are strict and no extensions will be given.

The Conference

The conference addresses all aspects of research into technologies for electronic and (embedded) systems engineering. It covers the design process, test and tools for design automation of electronic products ranging from integrated circuits to distributed large-scale systems. This includes both hardware and embedded software design issues. The conference scope also includes the elaboration of design requirements and new architectures for challenging application fields such as sustainable computing, smart societies and digital wellness, secure systems, autonomous systems and smart industry, and state of the art applications of artificial intelligence. Engineers, scientists and researchers involved in innovative industrial designs are particularly encouraged to submit papers to foster feedback from design to research.

Special Days on Emerging Topics

The scientific research track is complemented by a set of sessions focussing on emerging topics bringing new challenges to the community, with presentations and interactions on interesting and timely issues.

This Special Day will focus in exploring the latest trends and innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI (and mainly generative AI) is booming since the release of chat-GPT and it will change the future of Design, Automation and Test. This Special Day will highlight the following topics:

  • Design of hardware architectures, including automatic exploration of large design spaces, assistance of the human designer, resource selection and optimisation
  • Verification of hardware architectures, with topics such as performance prediction, (formal) design validation, accelerating simulations thanks to AI-Augmented Surrogate Models
  • AI-Accelerated Physical Design and Validation of layout and floorplans
  • Sustainability in AI/ML Development.

During the talks, AI/ML techniques such as Neural architecture search (NAS), Generative adversarial networks (GAN), Reinforcement learning, hybridisation of classical and AI techniques, federation of Small Language Models (or agents) will be discussed.

These topics will be presented by a lineup of distinguished speakers who are expert in their respective fields. The day will conclude with a panel discussion allowing exchanges with the audience and trigger discussions on the interaction between the various domains presented during the day.

This event is ideal for AI/ML researchers, data scientists, hardware designers, software developers, sustainability advocates, and anyone interested in the future directions of AI and ML for Design, Automation and Test.

Marc Duranton, CEA, FRSpecial Day "New Trends in AI/ML" Co-Chair
Marc Duranton, CEA, FR

Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NLSpecial Day "New Trends in AI/ML" Co-Chair
Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NL

Special Day "Emerging Computing Paradigms"

-formerly "Unconventional Computing"-
Sustaining increasingly challenging compute workloads requires going beyond technology scaling with von Neumann architectures in traditional CMOS. Examples include NP-hard optimisation, massive sensor processing in IoT, as well as deep learning and artificial intelligence where training compute requirements grow by ~750x every two years. Therefore, rethinking computing toward more sustainable and efficient solutions is urgently needed. This can take place by bringing computation closer to its physical substrate, or by seeking new computing paradigms across all layers of the compute stack, thereby spanning architecture, circuit, and device solutions.

The Special Day on Emerging Computing Paradigms covers key emerging topics in the areas of quantum computing, neuromorphic engineering, physics-based computing, probabilistic computing, reversible and adiabatic computing, and cellular automata. Starting with talks by key experts and closing with a panel discussion, this Special Day aims to outline tradeoffs and synergies in the wide landscape of unconventional computing approaches.

Charlotte Frenkel, TU Delft, NLSpecial Day "Emerging Computing Paradigms" Co-Chair
Charlotte Frenkel, TU Delft, NL

John Paul Strachan, FZ Juelich, DESpecial Day "Emerging Computing Paradigms" Co-Chair
John Paul Strachan, FZ Juelich, DE

Special Initiative “Autonomous Systems Design”

Fueled by the progress of Artificial Intelligence, autonomous systems are increasingly becoming integral parts of many Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) applications, such as automated driving, robotics, avionics, industrial automation and smart systems in general. Autonomous systems are self-governed and self-adaptive systems that are designed to operate in an open and evolving environment, which is not completely defined at design time. This poses a unique challenge to the design and verification of dependable autonomous systems. The DATE Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design will include peer-reviewed papers, special sessions and interactive sessions addressing these challenges.

  • Abstract Submission: Saturday, 09 November 2024 AoE
  • Full Paper Submission: Saturday, 16 November 2024 AoE
  • Acceptance Notification: Tuesday, 17 December 2024 AoE

Submission site:

More details and a specific call for contributions can be found online:

Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DESpecial Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" Co-Chair
Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE

Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DESpecial Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" Co-Chair
Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE

Unplugged Sessions on Unconventional Computing

Come join us for stimulating brainstorm discussions in small groups about the future of digital engineering. Our focus this year will be on Unconventional Computing. Unconventional computing is computing by any of a wide range of new or unusual methods. Examples are analogue mechanical, analogue electrical, biological, membrane, optical, fluidics, micromechanical, etc. computing. In this session we will on the one hand look into different examples of unconventional computing and will subsequently explore the commonalities and foundations of these approaches. Abstraction and analogy seem to always be at the heart of unconventional computing approaches. Furthermore, the value (performance, cost, energy consumption) of these approaches seems to lie in their restriction to a particular class of problems. (Electrical) analogue computing for example excels at solving differential equations. We will try to chart the boundaries of operation where value is created.

We consider quantum computing to be outside the scope of the unplugged session.

If you want to get involved in the discussions, please contact the chairs accordingly.

Pieter Mosterman, Raven Industries, USUnplugged Sessions Chair
Pieter Mosterman, Raven Industries, US

Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BEUnplugged Sessions Co-Chair
Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BE

Topic Areas for Submission

Within the scope of the conference, the main areas of interest are organised in the following tracks. Submissions can be made to any of the track topics.

Track D: Design Methods and Tools, addresses design automation, design tools and hardware architectures for electronic and embedded systems. The emphasis is on methods, algorithms, and tools related to the use of computers in designing complete systems. The track focus includes significant improvements on existing design methods and tools as well as forward-looking approaches to model and design future system architectures, design flows, and environments.

This track is organised in the following topics:

Track A: Application Design, is devoted to the presentation and discussion of design experiences with a high degree of industrial relevance, real-world implementations, and applications of specific design and test methodologies. Contributions should illustrate innovative or record-breaking design and test methodologies, which will provide viable solutions in tomorrow’s silicon, embedded systems, and large-scale systems.

This track is organised in the following topics:

Track T: Test and Dependability, covers all test, design-for-test, reliability, and design-for-robustness issues, at system-, chip-, circuit-, and device-level for both analogue and digital electronics. Topics of interest also include diagnosis, failure mode analysis, debug and post-silicon validation challenges, and test or fault injection methods addressing system security.

This track is organised in the following topics:

Track E: Embedded Systems Design, is devoted to the modelling, analysis, design, verification and deployment of embedded software or embedded/cyber-physical systems. Areas of interest include methods, tools, methodologies and development environments for real-time systems, cyber-physical systems, networked systems, and dependable systems. Emphasis is, also, on model-based design and verification, embedded software platforms, software compilation and integration for these systems.

This track is organised in the following topics:

Submission Instructions

Submission site:

Late Breaking Results

Following the successful edition in 2024, DATE 2025 provides the community with an opportunity to present new and exciting contributions for submission as Late Breaking Results (LBR) papers. LBR papers should cover new research relevant to the DATE topics. Two types of papers can be submitted:

  1. breakthrough approaches or novel orthogonal research directions
  2. breakthrough results, where sufficient work has been accomplished to indicate the viability of the work

Prospective authors are invited to submit Late Breaking Results papers (2 pages and two-column format) describing original and innovative work. Authors should use the template provided on the DATE website, with a blind submission. LBR submission titles must begin with “Late Breaking Results: …”.

For creating a successful LBR forum, the LBR submission will be peer-reviewed (blind-review) by a wide-scope TPC committee. Please note that the Late Breaking Results deadline is not an extension of the general paper submission deadline. Accepted LBR submissions will be presented in dedicated technical sessions focussing on live interactions around the submitted work to get feedback and exchange with the DATE community.

Authors should use the template provided on the DATE website, with a blind submission. LBR submission titles must begin with “Late Breaking Results: …”.

Submission site:

Technical Programme Committee, Click here for details.

Annachiara Ruospo, Politecnico di Torino, ITLate Breaking Results Co-Chair
Annachiara Ruospo, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Pascal Vivet, CEA, FRLate Breaking Results Co-Chair and Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Pascal Vivet, CEA, FR


Click the links below for a full list of the Executive and Programme committee members:


The event is sponsored by the European Design and Automation Association, the Electronic System Design Alliance, the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation and the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation.

In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Community (TTTC), IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) and IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS).

Submission Instructions

All manuscripts for any technical topic of the D, A, T and E tracks must be submitted for review electronically, following the instructions below.

The accepted file format is PDF. Any other format and manuscripts received in hard-copy form will not be processed. All submissions require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results.

Submissions must not exceed 6 pages in length, plus one extra page only for references.

WARNING: It is not possible to modify the list and the order of authors once the paper is submitted and the deadline is expired. If the paper is accepted, this information will be the one used for the final publication.

All submitted papers should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 pages or Letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, avoid the use of type-3 fonts. Do not use baseline stretch to compress text. Paper templates are available on the DATE website for your convenience. DATE follows a double-blind review process. To support it, submissions must not include authors' names. In addition, prior work by the same authors should be referenced in full and it should be discussed in such a way that it does not disclose that the work is from the same authors. Any submission that is not in line with the above rules will be discarded. Accepted papers not complying to the above-mentioned formatting instructions will not be included in the conference proceedings. A detailed description of the IEEE authorship guidelines and responsibilities is available here (…).

All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness. The programme committee reserves the right to reorient a submission to an extended abstract.

Submissions simultaneously under review or accepted by another conference, symposium, or journal will be rejected. Submissions for which pre-prints are available (e.g., on arXiv) are allowed, BUT these pre-prints may only be published after authors are notified of whether their manuscript is accepted or not. The authors are expected to follow all reasonable efforts to ensure that the submission is compliant with the double-blind review process.

Scientific Papers

DATE seeks submissions of original, unpublished scientific work in one of its four tracks (D, A, T, and E) and 33 topics; for track and topic list, see Tracks and Topics list.

Scientific Papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness. They require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (max 6 pages plus one extra page only for references) and will be presented in a renewed format of technical sessions focusing on live interactions at the conference (in addition to full-length presentations provided before and after the conference by video ). The Programme Committee reserves the right to accept submissions as extended abstract, i.e., a short summary of the work which will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference, but is limited to 2 pages only.

Manuscript preparation, submission and deadlines

File format: PDF

Maximum number of pages: 6 plus one extra page only for references

Double blind review process: manuscripts should not include the author names nor affiliations.

Format: A4 pages or Letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, avoid the use of type-3 fonts. Do not use baselinestretch to compress text. Do not include page numbers. Do not include copyright notice.

Formatting instructions: format.pdf

Templates: Microsoft Word (DOCX, 31 KB) and LaTeX (ZIP, 746 KB) files.

Note: Manuscripts not in line with the above rules might be discarded.

Topic selection: carefully select the most appropriate topic when submitting the paper. For track and topic list, see Tracks and Topics list. When you submit your paper, you will be asked to select a secondary topic (mandatory). Your primary and secondary topic selections will enable the Programme Committee to assign your paper to the best-fitting topic.

Submission site:

Deadlines: The deadline to submit papers is Sunday, 15 September 2024 AoE. For a paper to be considered a valid submission, at least a title, abstract, and the complete list of authors (cannot be modified after Sunday, 15 September 2024 AoE) should be submitted by this date.
The full paper (up to 6 pages plus one extra page only for references) can be submitted at the same time or later, but must be uploaded at the latest by Sunday, 22 September 2024 AoE. Otherwise the initial submission will be automatically withdrawn. Please note that there will not be any additional deadline extensions beyond Sunday, 22 September 2024 AoE.

Notification and Camera-Ready Paper: The contact author of a submitted paper will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her paper by Tuesday, 19 November 2024 AoE. In case of acceptance, authors need to prepare a final, camera-ready manuscript by Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE.

Attention Double Submissions: submissions that are already under review or accepted by another conference, symposium, or journal will be rejected. The DATE conference will work cooperatively with others to check for these so-called "double-submissions".
Attention Authors list: you are not allowed to modify the list of authors after the submission deadline. It is extremely important that you put the full list (in the correct order) when submitting the paper online. If your paper is accepted, you will not be able to modify the authors later on.
Attention Registration: It is mandatory that at least one author of each accepted paper attends the session and presents the work. Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the speaker rate (i.e., two speaker registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g. from the main author or a co -author of the paper). An author per paper is expected to attend the session where the paper is discussed, otherwise the paper will be deleted from the proceedings afterwards (despite full payment at the speaker rate).

For more information, please contact:

Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CYProgramme Chair
Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY

Camera-Ready and Presentation

Authors of accepted papers will prepare the camera-ready version of the paper, adhering to the IEEE proceedings format and will be checked through PDFeXpress. A recorded video presentation of the paper is also required, according to guidelines that will be made available. It should be noted that accepted Late Breaking Results papers will be published as submitted and are expected to be camera-ready, i.e., no separate camera-ready submission will be possible.

Registration Rule for All Accepted Papers

Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the paper author rate (i.e., two paper author registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g., from the main author or a co-author of the paper). DATE is a physically held conference, and not a hybrid conference. Therefore, it is mandatory that at least one author of each accepted paper attends the session where the paper is discussed and presents the work as requested, otherwise the paper will be deleted from the proceedings afterwards (despite full payment at the paper author rate).

Focus Sessions

Focus Sessions can take the form of (1) Panels, discussing visionary and controversial issues or (2) Hot-Topic Sessions, focusing on the introduction and discussion of new R&D problems, addressing trends in the technical domains that are of interest to the conference participants.

Focus Session proposals must consist of an extended summary of up to 1,500 words in a PDF file, describing the topic, the authors/speakers and the format and must be submitted at by Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE. The submitter of a Focus Session proposal will be notified of acceptance or rejection of his/her proposal by Tuesday, 19 November 2024 AoE. In case of acceptance, contributors of accepted Focus Sessions will be asked to submit final texts or statements of panellists, as appropriate, for publication in the proceedings as final, camera-ready manuscripts by Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE. Panel sessions are entitled to one (1) page per panellist in the proceedings; Hot-Topic Sessions are allocated a maximum of six (6) pages paper per speaker or one single paper for the entire session which should not exceed ten (10) pages. As a rule of thumb, no more than four speakers per session should be planned for Hot-Topic Sessions. For the accepted Focus Sessions, it is the responsibility of the Focus Session organiser(s) to ensure that the Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE deadline is met and all the camera-ready manuscripts from their respective Focus Sessions are technically sound and meet the editorial standards of the DATE proceedings. The Focus Session Co-Chairs may decline the publication of the final manuscripts in the DATE proceedings if the above responsibility is not fulfilled. Accepted or invited speakers to the Focus Sessions will be required to register for the conference.

Further Instructions for Focus Session Submissions

In addition to the above-stated important instructions, e.g. w.r.t. author list and double submissions, please adhere to the following:

Session Chair/Co-Chair: Every special session submission must name a chair and a co-chair; the chair and the co-chair are responsible for the preparation of the session and for the monitoring of the session; they cannot be selected among the moderators/panelists, or speakers/presenters.

Catherine Le Lan, Synopsys, Inc., FRFocus Sessions Co-Chair
Catherine Le Lan, Synopsys, Inc., FR

Olivier Sentieys, IRISA/Inria, FRFocus Sessions Co-Chair
Olivier Sentieys, IRISA/Inria, FR


Further Focus Sessions will concentrate fully on the industrial perspective and are intended as a platform for DATE conference sponsors to present their work. For more information, please contact:

Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DEConference Organisation | Sponsorship
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE

Embedded Tutorials

DATE 2025 tutorial sessions are designed to provide audiences with an introduction to important topics in the DATE technical areas as well as hands-on tutorials on design automation tools. Early career professionals as well as graduate students will benefit from the introductory knowledge about important topics and tools. Mid-career professionals can attend tutorials to extend their horizons. Embedded tutorials will be 90-minute sessions "embedded" within the 3-day programme of DATE. We welcome proposals for tutorial presentations in the DATE technical areas. Proposals need to be submitted online before Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE Thursday, 31 October 2024 AoE, via the DATE submission website

Technical tutorials on selected topics will be given by leading experts in their respective fields. The submission should motivate the topic and its relevance for both academia and industry, specify whether it covers foundational topics or cutting-edge ones, describe the target audience (expected type of attendees? expected number? match with typical DATE audience?), the reason for a tutorial (why a tutorial, why now). Hands-on tutorials are welcomed. Moreover, the submission should include a brief abstract with a list of learning objectives, and a clear planning hereto (organisation in sessions, possible speakers, what will be done to attract the audience), and the DATE topic to which it is more closely related. We target few top-quality well-attended tutorials. In particular, we look for hands-on and tutorials on fundamentals which should clearly identified in the proposal. Extended conference talks will not be accepted as tutorials. Marketing of company tools are not accepted either.

A tutorial submission example is available here for download.

The tutorial organiser(s) will be notified of acceptance or rejection of submissions by Friday, 15 November 2024 AoE. In case of acceptance, final information about the tutorial structure (confirmed speakers, final abstract, final agenda) must be provided by Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE. Tutorial hand-out material (e.g. consisting of all slides and perhaps also background reading material) needs to be uploaded as a single PDF or ZIP file at the DATE website by Friday, 14 March 2025 AoE. The hand-out material will be available to tutorial attendees only!

For more information, please contact:

Elena Ioana Vatajelu, TIMA/CNRS/Université de Grenoble-Alpes, FREmbedded Tutorials Co-Chair
Elena Ioana Vatajelu, TIMA/CNRS/Université de Grenoble-Alpes, FR

Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ESEmbedded Tutorials Co-Chair
Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES


Kindly note that DATE 2025 Tutorials will be held in-person, alongside the main conference activities (Lyon, France, 31 March - 2 April 2025) – hands-on content is encouraged.


DATE invites proposals for half-day workshops on emerging research and application topics in design, application, test, and embedded systems. Topics that are not directly covered in the DATE technical programme but represent new research directions with potential impact on future DATE technical areas are strongly encouraged and thus particularly welcome. As with the 2023 novel format, DATE Workshops will be integrated into the 3-day schedule of DATE and thus will be open for attendance to all DATE registered attendees. Proposals should be submitted, using the provided Workshop Proposal template, by Friday, 11 October 2024 AoE, via the DATE submission website

For more information, please contact:

Maria Michael, University of Cyprus, CYWorkshops Co-Chair
Maria Michael, University of Cyprus, CY

Jose Filch, Universitat Politècnica de València, ESWorkshops Co-Chair
Jose Filch, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES


Kindly note that DATE 2025 Workshops will be held via physical presence, alongside the main conference activities (Lyon, France, 31 March - 2 April 2025).

Multi-Partner Projects

The DATE 2025 programme will include sessions dedicated to multi-partner innovative and/or highly-technological research projects addressing the DATE 2025 topics. This includes projects funded by EU schemes (Horizon Europe, EIC, H2020, ECSEL, PENTA, MSCA, COST, CleanSky, …), nationally- and regionally-funded projects, projects funded by the European Space Agency and collaborative research projects funded by industry. The session is an excellent opportunity to present projects’ contributions to the DATE community and increase the impact of dissemination and outreach activities.

Project coordinators are invited to submit their contribution presenting the concepts, work in progress, or lessons learned from the project, in the form of a full paper. MPP submission titles must begin with “Multi-Partner Project: …”. Submissions will be (not blind) peer-reviewed and must be submitted before Tuesday, 05 November 2024 AoE via the DATE submission website Accepted contributions will be published in the DATE 2025 proceedings.

For more information please contact:

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EEMulti-Partner Projects Co-Chair
Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE

Franco Fummi, University of Verona, ITMulti-Partner Projects Co-Chair
Franco Fummi, University of Verona, IT


Projects can also showcase their vision, activities and outcomes benefitting from DATE's high visibility and networking assets, by exploiting further project dissemination options; for more information please contact:

Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DEConference Organisation | Sponsorship
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE


DATE 2025 Young People Programme

Are you a master's student, a PhD student, or a Postdoc in the early stages of your career? Are you a Professor or a Company looking for talented young researchers? DATE 2025 is looking out for you!

Born during the DATE 2019 edition, the Young People Programme created a unique opportunity for discussion on career development, and for creating connections between young DATE 2025 attendees and sponsoring companies. So, whether you are looking for a job or for someone to work with, mark the Young People Programme on your agenda!

To know more:

  • If you are a student (master’s, PhD students) or Postdoc, please look here.
  • If you are a Company looking for young talents, look at here.
  • If you are aiming to sponsor your activities and attracting young researchers to your group, please look here.

DATE 2025 Young People Programme - Students

Are you a master's student, a PhD student, or a Postdoc in the early stages of your career? DATE 2025 is looking out for you!

The DATE 2025 Young People Programme features several events for young researchers to help you showcase your skills and find your path in either the academic or the industry scenario. To this end, YPP offers you the following activities:

  • A Panel on Future Career Perspectives that explores different career paths, whether in industry, academia, or research centres (further explored in the following events)
  • Student Team Presentations, where master’s students present their activities in international competitions like RoboCup and Formula Student
  • A University Fair for Universities to present mature academic work to a large audience of industrial parties and students
  • A Career Fair focusing on University Career Paths, where academic open positions are presented to a large audience
  • A Career Fair focusing on Industry Career Paths, including the presentation of the sponsoring companies and speed dating with HRs
  • A PhD Forum for PhD students to showcase their research and to get meaningful feedback both from academy experts and industry personnel

Students and young researchers can also request sponsorship for DATE 2025 registration and travel under the rules defined below.

For more information, please contact yppatdate-conference [dot] com.

DATE 2025 Registration Sponsorship

The DATE 2025 YPP students may apply for free student registration to DATE 2025. Such grants are funded by the participating companies and by IEEE CEDA.

Requirements for sponsorship and process

Applicants must be full-time students in EDA, microelectronics, or an adjacent field. If accepted, you must commit to actively participating in the programme in Lyon, France 31 March - 2 April 2025. Participation includes attending YPP events, especially industry and academic careers fairs as well as DATE 2025 sessions. We welcome students from all over Europe and from all backgrounds.

A jury will carefully review the applications and select DATE 2025 YPP participants. We especially welcome applications from women and underrepresented groups.

If your application is accepted, you will receive a personalised registration link from the conference organisation. If you are not selected, you may register via the online registration form. Sponsorship applicants accept that their information will be shared with the sponsoring companies.

To apply for free registration, please go to the online application form. Application closes on Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE Sunday, 09 February 2025 AoE.

DATE 2025 Travel Sponsorship

A limited number of travel grants are available and restricted only to PhD students or Postdocs accepted by the PhD Forum. Applications for a travel grant should be sent by email to ypp-phdatdate-conference [dot] com (ypp-phd[at]date-conference[dot]com) and should contain the general information (as above) as well as a motivation for requesting the travel grant.

The submission of travel grant requests is now closed.

Panel on Future Career Perspectives

This panel discusses various career paths to help young researchers get a clearer idea about possibilities, necessary skills, and typical job profiles either in the academic world or in the industry. The panel hosts people working in academia or research centres, startup founders, and people working in industry with different job profiles (e.g., marketing, technical experts, team leaders). The goal is to encourage discussion and questions from the audience to delve into the characteristics of the different paths.

Participation is open to all DATE 2025 attendees and does not require a preliminary registration.

Student Teams Presentations

The Student Teams Presentations aims at bringing together University Student Teams involved in international competitions and personnel from EDA and microelectronic companies. The Teams can present their activities, success stories and challenges, and to receive funding and support by the companies for their future activities.

Submissions must be done by Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE via the DATE submission website at, and must include:

  • name of the team
  • target competitions (e.g., RoboCup, Formula Student)
  • team members (in order from the most likely to attend DATE, not more than 5 team members will be sponsored)
  • success stories and results at the latest competitions
  • challenges and opportunities for cooperation with the sponsoring companies.
Important dates
  • Submission deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE
  • Notification of acceptance: TBD
  • Presentation at DATE 2025: Monday, 31 March 2025

For more information, please contact ypp-industryatdate-conference [dot] com (ypp-industry[at]date-conference[dot]com)

University Fair

University fair (formerly known as University Booth) is a platform for disseminating mature academic research activities, particularly demonstrations and prototypes that are ready for transfer to other units in academia or industry.

For more information, please contact ypp-academiaatdate-conference [dot] com (ypp-academia[at]date-conference[dot]com)

Career Fair - Academia

PhD students, master students and early researchers can discover new and upcoming academic research initiatives and open positions for PhD/Postdoc (and more). Open positions are also advertised on a "Jobs Wall".

For more information, please contact ypp-academiaatdate-conference [dot] com (ypp-academia[at]date-conference[dot]com)

Career Fair - Industry

PhD students, master students and early researchers can discover the latest trends, the work environment and culture, and the open job positions in the companies sponsoring DATE, to enlarge their network and find job opportunities! The Career Fair (Industry) features two main moments:

  • A Company Presentation Session, during which sponsoring companies present themselves and are open to questions on their ongoing activities and their workplace
  • A Speed Dating Session, during which students and early researchers can talk to HRs from the companies to ask questions, leave a CV or plan interviews and future contact

For more information, please contact ypp-industryatdate-conference [dot] com (ypp-industry[at]date-conference[dot]com).

PhD Forum

The PhD Forum is a poster session hosted by the European Design Automation Association (EDAA), the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA), and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA).

The forum is a great opportunity for PhD students who have completed their PhD thesis within the last 12 months or who are close to complete their thesis to present their work to a broad audience in the system design and design automation community from both industry and academia. The forum may also help students to establish contacts for entering the job market. In addition, representatives from industry and academia get a glance of state-of-the-art in system design and design automation.


The following two classes of students are eligible:

  • Students who have finished their PhD thesis within the last 12 months
  • Students who are close to completing their PhD thesis work.
  • Opportunity to present your work, to a large audience with a poster presentation during the PhD Forum
  • Eligibility to win the PhD Forum Award
  • Direct access to professionals from industry and academia

Submissions need to contain:

  • Full contact address with affiliation, phone, e-mail
  • An extended abstract describing the novelties and advantages of the thesis work. Such an extended abstract must be limited to two pages (excluding references). The abstract should also include name and affiliation, along with the name of the advisor. A template for submissions can be found at the following link:….
  • Either (a) university-approved thesis proposal (PDF) or (b) one published paper (PDF)
  • The submission requires creating a single PDF file that should contain both the extended abstract and the University-approved thesis proposal/published paper.

Submit this material to the DATE 2025 online submission system at

Download the DATE 2025 PhD Forum Call for Submissions here.

Final version submission guidelines:

Authors should prepare and submit through the SoftConf portal (

  • a final version of the extended abstract (two pages plus one additional page of references – no thesis/publication should be included) by using the following… - deadline: Friday, 21 February 2025 AoE
  • a poster to be presented at the conference (suggested format is A0, portrait) - deadline: Friday, 14 March 2025 AoE. Note that it is the responsibility of the authors to print and bring the posters to the event.

Note that, for PhD forum presenters, a pre-recorded video is not required.

Important dates:
  • Submission deadline: Sunday, 01 December 2024 AoE Thursday, 05 December 2024 AoE
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday, 10 January 2025 AoE
  • Presentation at DATE 2025: Monday, 31 March 2025
  • Final version submission deadline: Friday21 February 2025 AoE
  • Poster submission deadline: Friday, 14 March 2025 AoE

For more information on each programme, please contact:

Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FRYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FR

Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DEYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, ITYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DEYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE

Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PTYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT

Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, ITYoung People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, IT

Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BEYoung People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE

HACK@DATE – HackTheSilicon: The World's Largest Hardware Security Challenge

HackTheSilicon is a premier global hardware security competition co-located with leading conferences such as DAC, USENIX, and CHES. As hardware and firmware become increasingly central to our digital infrastructure, so do the risks associated with their vulnerabilities. Security-critical flaws in hardware can lead to severe consequences, from data breaches to system compromises, threatening entire computing platforms with implications even for national security. To address these challenges, the brightest minds in academia and industry must collaborate to identify and mitigate these risks.

Organized by a consortium of industry and academic leaders—including Intel, Synopsys, the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), and Texas A&M University (USA)—this challenge is a cutting-edge platform for testing and advancing hardware security techniques. Since its inception in 2018, HackTheSilicon has attracted hundreds of participants from around the globe, fostering innovation and collaboration in the field. This year, HackTheSilicon expanded to the Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference with HACK@DATE, further solidifying its reputation as a leading hardware security challenge. The competition continues to promote innovation, encourage collaboration, and bridge the gap between academia and industry.

The competition replicates real-world scenarios where security engineers identify vulnerabilities in a given design. Contestants compete to:

  • Discover security vulnerabilities.
  • Implement exploits demonstrating these weaknesses.
  • Propose mitigation strategies or patches.
  • Report findings with comprehensive documentation.

The open-source SoC used in the competition, riddled with security flaws, has been co-developed by Intel, TU Darmstadt, and Texas A&M. Vulnerabilities span a wide range of scenarios, from data corruption to sensitive information leakage, providing participants with a diverse and realistic challenge.

Who Can Take on the Challenge?

HACK@DATE is open to teams from industry, academia, or hybrid collaborations. Participants will receive an altered OpenTitan SoC design riddled with planted security vulnerabilities. Your mission:

  • Identify vulnerabilities in the design.
  • Assess their impact on the system.
  • Develop exploits to demonstrate their severity.
  • Propose robust mitigations to address the issues.

Teams are free to use any tools or techniques and must submit a detailed report on their findings. Submissions will be evaluated based on the number and severity of discovered vulnerabilities, exploit sophistication, and the quality of the mitigation proposals, including automation methods and tools.

Two Phases, One Goal

The competition unfolds in two phases:

  1. Phase 1: Teams analyze the provided SoC design and submit their findings.
  2. Phase 2: Only the top-performing teams from Phase 1 will advance to the showdown during DATE 2025, where the best will compete for the top honors.
Why Participate?

This is your chance to:

  • Push the boundaries of hardware security innovation.
  • Collaborate with global experts in industry and academia.
  • Solve real-world security challenges with high stakes.
  • Showcase your expertise on an international stage.

Are you ready to outsmart the vulnerabilities and make your mark in the world of hardware security? Join HACK@DATE and prove it!

Honoring the Innovators

The winners of this year’s challenge will be recognized during the prestigious DATE award ceremony, celebrating their contributions to advancing the field of hardware security.

For more information, please go to the HACK@DATE webpage or contact:

Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, ITYoung People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, IT

Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BEYoung People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE

SoC Labs: The academic community for System On Chip development

This workshop focuses on how the academic community can simplify SoC design in an ARM-based ecosystem. Our community-based projects range from microcontroller based designs undertaken by PhD or Masters students to complex A class processor systems developed by research teams. The workshop aims to combine presentations by individual project teams from around the world with practical skills training on how you too can take a SoC design from concept to tape out.

The workshop will start with the presentation of SoC Labs and projects, selected from the participants of the "Understanding our world" research and education design contest. We will present actual silicon devices and results from academic projects using a low cost ASIC fabrication path and verification board based on the community's reusable nanoSoC reference design. The workshop will then have an education section on how to structure a SoC design project, the range of SoC reference designs from simple microcontroller to complex Linux based systems and advanced techniques such as the use of 'Chiplets'. The aim of the workshop is to enable the development of more academic SoC design projects and make it more accessible for individuals and organizations who may have no prior experience, especially in ASIC fabrication. Finally, SoC Labs will announce a new SoC design contest for the coming year along with details of support from initial design to final tape out.

For more information, please contact:

John Darlington jdatecs [dot] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk (jd[at]ecs[dot]soton[dot]ac[dot]uk)
Becky Ellis Becky [dot] Ellisatarm [dot] com (Becky[dot]Ellis[at]arm[dot]com)

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, ITYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DEYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE

Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PTYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT

DATE 2025 Young People Programme - Universities

Are you a University or a Research Center looking for students, graduates, early researchers, and PhD to join your research? Do you wish to promote your novel research and your recent advancements to colleagues and companies, and to do effective networking? The DATE 2025 Young People Programme can help you!

The DATE 2025's Young People Programme features a number of events, including:

  • A Career Fair focusing on University Career Paths, where academic open positions are presented to a large audience
  • A University Fair for Universities to present mature academic work to a large audience of industrial parties and of students

Career Fair - Academia

The Career Fair – Academia is a channel to prepare for the future of academic career for younger academic enthusiasts and advertise new and upcoming research initiatives with academic open positions to a large audience for established academics.

Interested established academics are invited to submit a 1-page abstract description of their new research plans and the respective open position(s). Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their research openings. They are also invited to post a flyer of their opening(s) on the “Jobs Wall”, where PhD students, master students and early researchers can discover new and upcoming academic research initiatives and open positions.

For further info please contact:

Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FRYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FR

Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DEYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE

Submit this material to the DATE 2025 online submission system at

Important dates
  • Submission deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE Monday, 24 March 2025 AoE
  • Notification of acceptance: TBD
  • Presentation at DATE 2025: Monday, 31 March 2025

University Fair

University fair (formerly known as University Booth) is a channel to foster the transfer of mature academic work to a large audience. Interested research academics are invited to submit a 1-page abstract description of their precommercial research results and prototypes. Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their work and demonstrate their prototype live during demonstration sessions.

Submit this material to the DATE 2025 online submission system at

Important dates
  • Submission deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025 AoE Friday, 28 February 2025 AoE
  • Notification of acceptance: TBD
  • Presentation at DATE 2025: Monday, 31 March 2025

For more information please contact:

Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FRYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FR

Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DEYoung People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE

DATE 2025 Young People Programme - Companies

Are you a Company looking for students, graduates, early researchers, and PhD to join your company? The DATE 2025 Young People Program can help you!

The DATE 2025's Young People Programme features several events for young researchers and students to connect with companies and showcase their skills. Activities included in the YPP are:

  • A Company Presentation Session, during which sponsoring companies present themselves and are open to questions about their ongoing activities, and their workplace.
  • A Speed Dating Session, during which students and early researchers can talk to company HRs to ask questions, leave a CV, or plan interviews and/or future contact.
  • A Panel on Future Career Perspectives, in which selected company representatives can share their career path in industry.
  • And many more Career Networking Activities, in which master’s graduates, early researchers, and PhD students present their current academic work, connect with industry and academia, and discover open job positions in industry.

Your participation in 5 stages:

Before DATE 2025
  • Companies preregister for DATE 2025. After successful preregistration, they can upload a description and a five-minute promotional video (optional) to the DATE 2025 Young People Programme webpage. We will use this information to promote sponsoring companies on the DATE 2025 website and DATE 2025 LinkedIn and X profiles.
  • Young People Programme Chairs forward the student application data to recruiters of sponsoring companies for proactive contact. Student contact information will be sent to recruiters' email address, the data will not be published.
During DATE 2025
  • Company Presentation Session, during which participating companies present themselves, their workplace, open jobs, and current activities
  • Speed Dating Session after the company presentation, where the recruiters and YPP participants can have quick interviews and exchange CVs and business cards
  • Company recruiters can approach students during the conference, including the PhD Forum, the Student Teams Fair, and any other DATE 2025 activity, and schedule interviews with the students. You can also share job openings on the job wall at the venue.

You can preregister for DATE 2025 here. Please be informed that we can only offer a limited number of companies sponsoring opportunities (e.g. seats at Panel on Future Career Perspectives) and available slots will be distributed based on first come first served.

For more information, please contact:

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, ITYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DEYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE

Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PTYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT

Sponsoring Options

The YPP is looking for Sponsoring Companies. As sponsoring companies, you can exclusively present your company as an attractive workplace for young professionals and directly contact and interact with the sponsored students.

Different levels of sponsorship will be available.

YPP Activities in detail

Company Presentation

This session allows companies to present themselves to a talented pool of future professionals. Presentations may cover the work environment, the newest technologies and challenges, and available career paths.

Main goals:

  • Showcase your company’s culture, values and career opportunities.
  • Engage with students who may be future employees.
  • Increase brand awareness among the younger demographic.
  • Share real-world insights and career advice relevant to the students.


  • During the presentation slots, companies are encouraged to focus on what makes their work environment unique and provide insights into career progression and development opportunities for students. Consider sharing the stories of former interns or young employees who gave grown within the company.
  • Each company will have 15 minutes on stage. A presentation area with a microphone, projector, and screen will be available.
  • Please prepare your presentation and share it with the organization 30 minutes early to test any digital content. Use visuals, videos and testimonials to make your presentation engaging for students.
  • The session will close with a 10-minute QA session, where companies will have the chance to answer students' questions.
Speed Dating Session

A Speed Dating Session, during which students and early researchers can talk to HRs from the companies to ask questions, leave a CV or plan interviews and future contact.

This is a networking session designed to connect companies with talented students and young professionals seeking opportunities. It provides a platform for companies to introduce themselves, showcase job opportunities and foster relations with potential hires.

This event is structured as an open networking session, where companies have designated booths and attendees can move freely, engaging with the companies of their choice.

Main Goals:

  • Facilitate meaningful conversations between companies and students about career opportunities.
  • Allow companies to scout potential talent for internships or full-time positions.
  • Offers companies a chance to enhance their employer brand and connect with future professionals early in their career. Company representatives should engage in career-focused conversations with attendees, providing insights into roles that suit candidates and tips for a successful application process. Be prepared to discuss what makes your company a great place to work.
  • Engage attendees by asking about their career goals and interests, and then discuss how your company can align with those goals. The companies can also encourage them to submit their CVs at your booth or follow up with the HR teams.

Booth setup:

  • Each company booth will include a table and 2 chairs. You are welcome to bring a digital display or banners. If your company requires any special arrangements, please inform the organization team.
Panel on Future Career Perspectives

This panel discusses various career paths, to help young researchers get a clearer idea about possibilities, necessary skills and typical job profiles either in the academic world or in the industry. The panel hosts people working in academia or research centres, startup founders, and people working in industry with different job profiles (e.g., marketing, technical experts, team leaders). The goal is to encourage discussion and questions from the audience, to delve into the characteristics of the different paths. Company representatives at panel will be selected Premium Sponsoring Companies, Participation is open to all DATE 2025 attendees.

Other Career Networking Activities

The Young People at DATE 2025 is an initiative targeting Masters/PhD students and early-stage researchers with the goal of increasing their visibility, establishing contacts, and encouraging discussion about future perspectives in academia and industries.

During the DATE 2025 there are various formats like PhD Forum, Student Teams Fair and University Fair in which Students and your researcher can present their academic work to a larger audience of industrial and academic parties. All those activities feature an in-person presentation via a short frontal presentation, posters or demonstration prototypes and allow close interaction.

Company recruiters from sponsoring companies can approach students during the conference, the PhD Forum, and the Student Teams Fair to connect and future job applications.

In addition, companies can add job openings on the job wall at the venue.

For more information, please contact:

Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, ITYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT

Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DEYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE

Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PTYoung People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT

Anton Klotz, Fraunhofer EMFT, DEIndustrial Liason Co-Chair
Anton Klotz, Fraunhofer EMFT, DE

Marco Inglardi, Synopsys, ITIndustrial Liason Co-Chair
Marco Inglardi, Synopsys, IT



Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DEConference Organisation | Conference Manager
Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE

Aida Todri-Sanial, Eindhoven University of Technology, NLGeneral Chair and ACM/SIGDA Liaison
Aida Todri-Sanial, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CYProgramme Chair
Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY


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