DATE 2025 Executive Committee
General Chair and ACM/SIGDA Liaison
Aida Todri-Sanial, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
a [dot] todri [dot] sanialtue [dot] nl
Aida Todri-Sanial, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
a [dot] todri [dot] sanialtue [dot] nl
Vice General Chair
Valeria Bertacco, University of Michigan, US
valeriaumich [dot] edu
Valeria Bertacco, University of Michigan, US
valeriaumich [dot] edu
Programme Chair
Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Vice Programme Chair and A-Track Chair
Alberto Bosio, University of Lyon, FR
alberto [dot] bosioec-lyon [dot] fr
Alberto Bosio, University of Lyon, FR
alberto [dot] bosioec-lyon [dot] fr
Past General Chair
Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
a [dot] d [dot] pimenteluva [dot] nl
Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
a [dot] d [dot] pimenteluva [dot] nl
D-Track Chair
Lukas Sekanina, Brno University of Technology, CZ
sekaninafit [dot] vutbr [dot] cz
Lukas Sekanina, Brno University of Technology, CZ
sekaninafit [dot] vutbr [dot] cz
T-Track Chair
Matteo Sonza Reorda, Politecnico di Torino, FR
matteo [dot] sonzareordapolito [dot] it
Matteo Sonza Reorda, Politecnico di Torino, FR
matteo [dot] sonzareordapolito [dot] it
E-Track Chair
Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE / Leiden University, NL
nele [dot] mentenskuleuven [dot] be
Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE / Leiden University, NL
nele [dot] mentenskuleuven [dot] be
Review and Programme Operations Co-Chair
Marcello Traiola, IRISA, FR
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Marcello Traiola, IRISA, FR
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Review and Programme Operations Co-Chair
Matthias Jung, University of Würzburg, DE
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Matthias Jung, University of Würzburg, DE
papersdate-conference [dot] com
Proceedings Co-Chair
Marina Zapater, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), CH
proceedingsdate-conference [dot] com
Marina Zapater, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), CH
proceedingsdate-conference [dot] com
Proceedings Co-Chair
Riccardo Cantoro, Politecnico di Torino, IT
proceedingsdate-conference [dot] com
Riccardo Cantoro, Politecnico di Torino, IT
proceedingsdate-conference [dot] com
Finance Chair
Wolfgang Müller, University of Paderborn, DE
financesdate-conference [dot] com
Wolfgang Müller, University of Paderborn, DE
financesdate-conference [dot] com
Special Day "Emerging Computing Paradigms" Co-Chair
Charlotte Frenkel, TU Delft, NL
c [dot] frenkeltudelft [dot] nl
Charlotte Frenkel, TU Delft, NL
c [dot] frenkeltudelft [dot] nl
Special Day "Emerging Computing Paradigms" Co-Chair
John Paul Strachan, FZ Juelich, DE
j [dot] strachanfz-juelich [dot] de
John Paul Strachan, FZ Juelich, DE
j [dot] strachanfz-juelich [dot] de
Special Day "New Trends in AI/ML" Co-Chair
Marc Duranton, CEA, FR
marc [dot] durantoncea [dot] fr
Marc Duranton, CEA, FR
marc [dot] durantoncea [dot] fr
Special Day "New Trends in AI/ML" Co-Chair
Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NL
a [dot] l [dot] varbanescuutwente [dot] nl
Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, NL
a [dot] l [dot] varbanescuutwente [dot] nl
Special Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" Co-Chair
Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
saidiida [dot] ing [dot] tu-bs [dot] de
Selma Saidi, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
saidiida [dot] ing [dot] tu-bs [dot] de
Special Initiative "Autonomous Systems Design" Co-Chair
Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
ernstida [dot] ing [dot] tu-bs [dot] de
Rolf Ernst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE
ernstida [dot] ing [dot] tu-bs [dot] de
Focus Sessions Co-Chair
Catherine Le Lan, Synopsys, Inc., FR
focus-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Catherine Le Lan, Synopsys, Inc., FR
focus-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Focus Sessions Co-Chair
Olivier Sentieys, IRISA/Inria, FR
focus-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Olivier Sentieys, IRISA/Inria, FR
focus-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Embedded Tutorials Co-Chair
Elena Ioana Vatajelu, TIMA/CNRS/Université de Grenoble-Alpes, FR
tutorialsdate-conference [dot] com
Elena Ioana Vatajelu, TIMA/CNRS/Université de Grenoble-Alpes, FR
tutorialsdate-conference [dot] com
Embedded Tutorials Co-Chair
Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
tutorialsdate-conference [dot] com
Francisco Cazorla, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
tutorialsdate-conference [dot] com
Workshops Co-Chair
Maria Michael, University of Cyprus, CY
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com
Maria Michael, University of Cyprus, CY
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com
Workshops Co-Chair
Jose Filch, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com
Jose Filch, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES
workshopsdate-conference [dot] com
Unplugged Sessions Chair
Pieter Mosterman, Raven Industries, US
unplugged-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Pieter Mosterman, Raven Industries, US
unplugged-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Unplugged Sessions Co-Chair
Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BE
unplugged-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, BE
unplugged-sessionsdate-conference [dot] com
Awards Chair
Jürgen Teich, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
juergen [dot] teichfau [dot] de
Jürgen Teich, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
juergen [dot] teichfau [dot] de
Young People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Florian Bilstein, Racyics, DE
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: Industry Careers Co-Chair
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Laura Rocha, Synopsys, PT
ypp-industrydate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FR
ypp-academiadate-conference [dot] com
Angeliki Kritikakou, IRISA, FR
ypp-academiadate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: Academic Careers Co-Chair
Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE
ypp-academiadate-conference [dot] com
Nima TaheriNejad, Heidelberg University, DE
ypp-academiadate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, IT
ypp-phddate-conference [dot] com
Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, IT
ypp-phddate-conference [dot] com
Young People Programme: PhD Forum Co-Chair
Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE
ypp-phddate-conference [dot] com
Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE
ypp-phddate-conference [dot] com
Multi-Partner Projects Co-Chair
Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
mppdate-conference [dot] com
Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
mppdate-conference [dot] com
Multi-Partner Projects Co-Chair
Franco Fummi, University of Verona, IT
mppdate-conference [dot] com
Franco Fummi, University of Verona, IT
mppdate-conference [dot] com
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Ian O'Connor, École Centrale de Lyon, FR
ian [dot] oconnorec-lyon [dot] fr
Ian O'Connor, École Centrale de Lyon, FR
ian [dot] oconnorec-lyon [dot] fr
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Giorgio Di Natale, CNRS/TIMA, FR
giorgio [dot] di-nataleuniv-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr
Giorgio Di Natale, CNRS/TIMA, FR
giorgio [dot] di-nataleuniv-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr
SEMI/ESD Alliance Liaison
Bob Smith, Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance, US
bsmithsemi [dot] org
Bob Smith, Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance, US
bsmithsemi [dot] org
SEMI/ESD Alliance Liaison
Laith Altimime, SEMI, DE
laltimimesemi [dot] org
Laith Altimime, SEMI, DE
laltimimesemi [dot] org
Industrial Liason Co-Chair
Anton Klotz, Fraunhofer EMFT, DE
anton [dot] klotzemft [dot] fraunhofer [dot] de
Anton Klotz, Fraunhofer EMFT, DE
anton [dot] klotzemft [dot] fraunhofer [dot] de
Industrial Liason Co-Chair
Marco Inglardi, Synopsys, IT
marco [dot] inglardisynopsys [dot] com
Marco Inglardi, Synopsys, IT
marco [dot] inglardisynopsys [dot] com
Press and Publicity Co-Chair
Liliana Cucu, INRIA, FR
liliana [dot] cucuinria [dot] fr
Liliana Cucu, INRIA, FR
liliana [dot] cucuinria [dot] fr
Late Breaking Results Co-Chair
Annachiara Ruospo, Politecnico di Torino, IT
lbrdate-conference [dot] com
Annachiara Ruospo, Politecnico di Torino, IT
lbrdate-conference [dot] com
Late Breaking Results Co-Chair and Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Pascal Vivet, CEA, FR
lbrdate-conference [dot] com
Pascal Vivet, CEA, FR
lbrdate-conference [dot] com
SSCS Liaison
Georges Gielen, KU Leuven, BE
gielenkuleuven [dot] be
Georges Gielen, KU Leuven, BE
gielenkuleuven [dot] be
ESWEEK Representative at DATE
Soonhoi Ha, Seoul National University, KR
shasnu [dot] ac [dot] kr
Soonhoi Ha, Seoul National University, KR
shasnu [dot] ac [dot] kr
ASP-DAC Representative at DATE
Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, JP
htfc [dot] ritsumei [dot] ac [dot] jp
Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, JP
htfc [dot] ritsumei [dot] ac [dot] jp
EDAA General Chair - Chair of the DSC
Robert Wille, Technical University Munich, DE
robert [dot] willetum [dot] de
Robert Wille, Technical University Munich, DE
robert [dot] willetum [dot] de
Audit Chair - EDAA Finance Chair
Herman Beke, Luceda Photonics, BE
herman [dot] bekegmail [dot] com
Herman Beke, Luceda Photonics, BE
herman [dot] bekegmail [dot] com
Media/Tools/Website Chair
Andreas Vörg, edacentrum GmbH, DE
webmasterdate-conference [dot] com
Andreas Vörg, edacentrum GmbH, DE
webmasterdate-conference [dot] com
Conference Organisation | Conference Manager
Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de
Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de
Conference Organisation | Registration
Anja Schröter, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
date-registrationkitdresden [dot] de
Anja Schröter, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
date-registrationkitdresden [dot] de
Conference Organisation | Sponsorship
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de
Conference Organisation | Accounting
Jörg Herrmann, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de
Jörg Herrmann, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de